When losing becomes winning
Sometime ago someone was lucky enough to win over $750 million in the lottery. As the pot of money had grown, I envisioned this as a means to achieving several of my 101 wishes. My fortune cookie told me that my financial life would be secure and beneficial. Was this a sign? I played the numbers on the back of the slip. I used what I learned about visualization to see myself holding the winning ticket and feeling the emotions attached to that. When I read the numbers of the winning ticket that morning, none matched what I had played. After my initial disappointment, I realized that I was focused on the lottery as the source of my financial well-being. I was telling the Universe how to manifest what I needed to support my wishes rather than trusting that my thoughts might materialize in ways that I never imagined. In losing the lottery I won a sense of resolute calm. Our thoughts never go unheard; they unfold according to plan. All I need do is remain open to what that plan is. What have you lost that turned into a win for you?
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