When your ship comes in

November 18, 2021

As a child I recall that my father's favorite statement was one that included, "when my ship comes in." This referred to his dream of a time when he would have everything that he wanted. Looking at his life and what he had when it ended, I wondered if the ship that he dreamed of ever reached port. This was an example of what so many people do in living their lives. They postpone what would bring them joy sometimes for years. Perhaps it was the dream alone that sustained him. That is something I will never know. His statement reminds me that we each have choices as to how we live our lives. I see my ship as being permanently moored delivering an endless cargo of gifts on a daily basis. While I am capable of deferring gratification, I believe that it is important to enjoy what I have today. My belief is that there is plenty more where that came from. Statements such as these become our mantra in life. They are what create our reality. The good news is that if this mantra is not working for you, you can always change it to one that is in more alignment with what you desire in life. Listen to those around you for clues of how they experience life. Listen for your own words and thoughts and be aware of their message to you. What are you hearing and is it serving what you see your life as being?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.