Where's your focus?
If you attract what you attend to, then one source of what that is could be the messages you receive on social media. I noticed quite a difference in the content a year ago as opposed to what is on that site today. A year ago the majority of the postings were of people's travels, their pets, and uplifting messages. Today the majority of them are politically based. It is not surprising given the volume of information transmitted in the news today. That filters down to individuals sharing their thoughts on what is happening. As I read the postings and in some cases respond to them, I ask myself, "What emotions do these postings elicit in me?" What choices to I have on such content? Sometimes I find it necessary to take a break from what I read and engage in other activities that provide a different focus. I read, watch a warmhearted movie, or spend time with my dog. I find that I feel lighter afterwards. What is contributing to your focus today and what feelings accompany that?
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