Who do you trust?
When you think of trust, what thoughts does it elicit? Are they dependability, integrity, commitment to one’s word? Now make a list of five people you trust. Where is your own name on that list? Hopefully it is in the number one position. If it isn’t, ask yourself why not. Self-trust is one of the key elements to success in life. It involves trusting that the decisions you make best serve you and those around you. That requires that you understand yourself well enough to know what is best for you at the time. Think back to a time when you made a decision and later learned that it did not turn out the way you would have liked. Did you say to yourself, “I knew I should have trusted my instincts and made a different choice”? Or maybe you learned that it was wise to gather more information before moving forward with an action. There is an old adage that states that with age comes wisdom. That only works when you have developed a trust in yourself that promotes that wisdom. Otherwise you repeat decision making patterns that lead to regrets. Learn to step back and listen to your instincts and acknowledge that you need more information. This will fortify the trust you have in yourself. Was your name at the top of your five trusted people? If not, what would it take for that to happen?
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