Who said you can't?
Have you ever thought about something you would like to accomplish in life? Perhaps it was becoming a writer, running a marathon, or starting your own business. Your thoughts began to generate excitement and hope until you heard the words ringing in your head, "You can't do that." They stop you dead in your tracks dashing your dreams upon the rocks. You resign yourself to life as you know it, leaving your dreams behind. Where do these discouraging words originate? Most often they do not come from you. They come from some authority figure from your past who was most likely projecting his or her own messages of a life unfulfilled. It may have been a parent, a sibling, or a teacher who failed to follow their own dreams based on what others had told them. These are voices best not listened to for they will keep you a captive of your comfort zone. It is up to you to challenge these words with, '"It is my life and I am free to accomplish whatever I set my mind to," The only one who can hold you back is you. What can you do today to follow your heart to be what you are meant to be and do?
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