Wishing your troubles away
We have many ways that we express our wishes. We blow out candles on a birthday cake, we break a wishbone from the turkey, or wish on a star. These usually involve something positive as its goal. There are other times when we use wishing to eliminate the problems or troubles from our lives. We wish that someone was dead, or that we had a dime for every time an irritating situation crossed our path, or that we had never been born. The message behind each of these wishes is that our lives are less than fulfilling at that moment. Wishes are the first level of changing our reality. This is an opportunity to take control of our lives and begin to think what it is that we DO want. Be sure to frame it positively, otherwise you will simply be attracting more of what you don't really want. Then be willing to take action to bring about these changes in your life. Before long you will see that living the life you want is about right actions that lead us to that place. What is troubling you today that requires more than just a wish to change it?
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