Wonder in the wings

May 6, 2018

Have you ever given thought to the word "wonderful?" It means to be full of wonder, beyond what is good or even great. When was the last time you used "wonderful" to describe your life? Did you know that there is wonder awaiting you every moment of the day? If you ever questioned having wonder in your life, think back to your early childhood. The world was filled with wonder at that time because everything was new to you. I recall feeling a sense of wonder when I saw snow covered trees, Niagara Falls, or the vast expanse of the ocean. I find it interesting that these same experiences invoke feelings of wonder in me as an adult. While this may not be true for everyone, my greatest sense of wonder surrounded the holiday of Christmas. There was always something magical about that time of year and I could actually feel a physical change in my body during this time. There was wonder around every corner. Take time today to reflect on what those moments of wonder were and are for you. Think of how you feel when they occur. Now know that they are ever present for you to be reminded that the world can be beyond even the best that you can imagine. What does wonder look like for you and are you open to having it in your life today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.