Your audacious life

September 13, 2021

What would an audacious life look like for you? One way to imagine that would be to think what your life would be like if you won the lottery. No, not $10 million, but over $400 million. How would you change your daily routine? How would you start your day? Perhaps you would begin your search for a new home in an idyllic location knowing that the cost would not be an issue. You might submit your letter of resignation for your current job and establish a foundation for doing charitable work in the world. You might book a cruise around the world. Maybe you would start out by paying off all of your current debts and feel the freedom that comes with that act. You could book a month at a spiritual retreat knowing that all of your personal needs were cared for. There is no right or wrong in planning your audacious life. There are people currently residing on the plane for whom this is a reality. Picture your life with these conditions and ask yourself what one small step would be in moving toward that direction. How would you describe your audacious life?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.