Your creative juices

October 27, 2024

If you believe that you are composed of the same substance as whatever it was the created everything that is in the universe, then you also possess the ability to create. Our brains have developed to generate thoughts that manifest in ways that range from works of art and music to the technology that we use to communicate. Our creative juices flow when we are combining our thoughts with our emotions. Think of a time when you engaged in an activity that began with an idea you had for producing a tangible result. It may have been building a piece of furniture, restoring an antique roadster, or planning a party. Your original idea became the springboard for more ideas that complemented it. You could feel the process in your physical body as you continued. These are your creative juices flowing within you. What occurs at the end of the process is truly unique to each individual who engages in this. Just look at the variety of the man-made tangibles that surround you when you walk into a grocery store, a department store, or an art gallery. They are all a result of the creative process. What are ways that you can think of that exemplify the use of your creative juices?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.