Your discomfort zone

July 16, 2021

We find our comfort zone and decide that this is a safe secure place to spend a good part of our lives. What starts out as a day becomes a week and then months and perhaps years of little change. Some people like to refer to this as having predictability in their lives. Not much changes to elicit any new behavior. Our lives are meant to be spent more in our "discomfort" zone. This is the time when we are most open to change and growth. Think back to an event that stirred you to evaluate your situation and take action. What were you like after that? How did it feel to stretch yourself? What was the response of those around you? Your discomfort is a message that it is time to expand your presence on the planet. It is time to step forth with courage knowing that you are claiming the magnificence that you are. Rather than resist discomfort, embrace it from this new perspective. You may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. What is in your discomfort zone today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.