Your Mind and Body

May 4, 2021

We refer to the mind and body as two separate entities. We see the body as a physical form composed of muscle, bone, and organs. The mind is believed to be a property of the brain and the thinking process attached to it. We are still attempting to understand what the mind is and how it functions. Rather than think of the mind and body as separate from each other, consider them as one system. There is a constant flow of one into the other. Mind and body continually engage to manifest who and what we are in the moment. This underlies the importance of monitoring our thought processes and how they affect us at the physical level. At the same time our physical self holds the memories of the past storing them in ways that are not always healthy for us. Once we accept this intricate interplay we see how beautifully integrated the mind and body are. How do you see the interplay of your mind and body affecting your life today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.