Your unbiased opinion

August 31, 2018

While growing up I would often hear people ask one another for their "unbiased opinion." We still hear this in the form of "What do you think of...?" The other person is requesting a purely objective perspective of a situation to determine if they were on the right track. I don't hear this term used very often today. Perhaps it is because most people realize that it is almost impossible to offer a purely objective point of view. Our view of the world is colored by our experience, our emotional responses to past events, our preferences, and our beliefs. It is our unique way of making sense of our lives and is constantly changing whether we realize it or not. It is the filter or lens through which we see the world. The factors affecting how you view the world have already changed from the time you woke up this morning. Some new piece of information or experience has created a shift in you that would influence the "unbiased opinion" that you present. The more you understand how these factors contribute to your point of view, the freer you are to change any that no longer serve you. Today when we are asked for our opinions, we can provide them with the caveat that they come from you and are not likely to be as objective as the other person would like. But then again, what the other person may be seeking is the degree to what your filter looks like matches theirs, especially if they trust you. The next time someone asks you for your opinion, pause and think what that looks like today and would it be the same tomorrow. You might be surprised at what your response will be. What would your opinion be today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.