Blessing others
It is important that we bless others in our lives. This is easy to do when the other person is someone we care about. It is not so easy when it it a person who we think has wronged us or has a philosophy of life very different from our own. Think about the emotional level associated with these in the second category. Are you feeling fear, anger, betrayal, resentment? Where is this coming from in your life? Recognize the emotion and ask yourself if here is any positive action you can take to move beyond it. Then begin to bless that person with all that you would want for yourself. It could be good health, prosperity, a sense of well-being. Once you do this, release it. Check in with your thoughts and feelings and see if there are any residuals like, "He doesn't really deserve it" or "I still feel some anger around this." Don't judge yourself, but simply continue to send blessings to that person until you can are clean in your intentions. This practice creates more happiness for you and allows you to be open to what the Universe has in store for you. How are you doing at blessing others today?
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