Can I do that?

March 6, 2025

A question that people often ask me is, "When are you going to write a book?" I have no trouble writing my blog entries, but the thought of sitting down and writing a multiple-page book seemed to be an insurmountable task. Then I did a presentation several months later to a job search group and thought that the content was worth further exploration. That night the message that came to me was clear: Write a book about this so that it can reach many more people. So I created an outline and then met with a writing coach to determine if this was a realistic goal. As a result of our meeting, I committed to completing the book. As I am writing this entry, I realize that publishing a book is one of my 101 Wishes. This shows the power of putting our intentions on paper. When the time is right, the Universe will conspire to put all of the elements into place to manifest our desires. Like any journey, in this case the book is written one word at a time. And just this past week my book went on sale. What are you ready to take on in ways that will stretch who you are?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.