Fear of success
Sometimes I wonder if we don't fear success more than we do failure. What would my life truly be like if I had everything I hoped to attract? I might have to say goodbye to people, places, and events of the past that were no longer in my best interest. Even though they might not be best for me now, at least I know how to cope with them. Some people believe we each have a set point for what comprises our comfort level. That is why we gain weight after going on a diet, have limited incomes that just meet our needs, or keep finding romantic partners with the same character traits. The only way to move out of that comfort zone is to practice new behaviors. They should be novel enough for us to feel a little discomfort as we work through them until we expand to fit our new space. Maybe it means finding work that pays us more of what we are worth or taking a risk by learning a new skill. What would you choose to do today that would turn your fear of success into an embrace of success?
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