Fill it only halfway
We express our desires believing that they will be manifested by the Universe. We say that we desire good health, financial abundance, the perfect job, or participating in a worthy cause. Then we begin to limit what that will look like because we don't think we deserve to have it all. Or maybe because we believe we have to suffer along the way to be worthy of having what we desire. We are telling the Universe that we are willing to accept whatever it deems us worthy to receive. If we have only minimal health problems, earn enough money to just get by, or have a job that pays the bills, that would be acceptable. The Universe is ready to deliver on our greatest desires without reservation. When we truly believe that all things are possible, we will see evidence of that occurring in our lives. Life can be overflowing the brim with no end in sight. Focus on the good that can come from having your desires manifested. If you focus on financial abundance, think of the effects it can have when shared with others. This is true of any area of your life. What do you desire today that can fill your life to overflowing?
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