Good intentions
When we set an intention we consciously create a mental image of some action or result that we wish to have manifested in our lives. We may set an intention to write a book, exercise regularly, or learn a new language. We may also set an intention to be a better listener, to be more generous, or to let others know how much they mean to us. As you decide what your intention will be, think about your reasons for setting it. How is this behavior currently showing up in your life in terms of frequency? What is motivating you to move in this direction at this point in your life? How will you be a better person once this intention has manifested? One of my intentions is to write a daily blog entry that will be of service to those who read it. That means a conscious effort on my part to sit at the computer and compose such a message. So far I have held to this for well over 2500 entries. I will know when it is time to alter that intention. Think of what it is that you would like to have in your life and consciously set that as an intention accompanied by actions that support obtaining it. Then build the supporting behaviors into your daily routine to achieve what you desire. What are your good intentions today?
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