If this was your last day on the planet

April 20, 2023

What if you knew that this was the last day you would spend on this earth? How would you choose to use your remaining time? Would you use those precious minutes to cram in as much living as possible doing all the things you always wanted to do? Would you reach out to everyone you care about and let them know how much you love them? Or would you lie in bed alone waiting for your life to end? If it was my life that was ending, I would choose the first two options. But then who said you have to wait for the end of your life to do all the things you want and tell people how much they mean to you? You can do that starting today if you so choose. Think of how your life would be if you approached it that way. What would you want your last day to look like and how can you live out those plans today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.