If you believe
Our beliefs are powerful. They are what fuel our reality. They help to create our successes and our failures in life. What we believe we can achieve. Psychologists refer to this as self-fulfilling prophecy. Think back to times when you gave little credence to your ability to accomplish a task. How did you fare with that task? We usually tell ourselves, "See. I told you I couldn't do that." When we believe we are capable of accomplishing something, we somehow find that inner strength that drives us toward meeting that goal. The potential lies within us waiting to be released and is triggered to action when we declare, "I can do that." To effect our outcome we only need to monitor our belief system around what we desire and expect in life. I had an example of this occur in my life when I received an unexpected phone call requiring me to make a rather substantial expenditure on a property I owned. I believed that the finances would be there to cover it and watched things fall into place for that to happen in a few short days. Had I believed that I was in a situation with no hope for taking care of this, the outcome would have been very different. What are you experiencing today and what is your belief around its outcome for you?
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