When we are inspired we are filled with a fire and a passion towards an intention in our lives. We intuitively know what it is we are to do and take action to accomplish it. People are inspired to write books, pursue a cause, or create a work of art. The object of one's inspiration is limitless. The word is based on the process of taking in. We inspire when we breathe in and expire when we breathe out. Inspiration is the result of using techniques such as meditation and visioning. As we quiet our minds we become receptive to what we truly need in our lives to accomplish our purpose here and instill happiness, joy, and freedom. Once we acknowledge this message, we begin to attract the means to carry it out. People and opportunities show up in unexpected ways. We are soon on our way to acting on our inspiration knowing that we are externally guided to achieve success. What are you inspired to do in your life and what are you doing to take action to pursue it?
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