It's up to you
The time you spend during this lifetime is defined by who you are and what you do. While you do have models for how this occurs throughout your lifetime, ultimately the choices you make are yours alone. We hear of people who came from abusive homes with little emotional support who went on to become famous. And we hear of individuals who were born with what appeared to be every possible advantage who are destitute. What happened to effect the lives they were given? They made choices to either rise above their situation or follow a path to their darker side. Think of the choices you have made in life. Where have they led you? For a time in my life I only focused on the decisions I made that brought me pain. Now I know that, by focusing on the negative, I only attracted more of it. I had to reach a point where I could no longer live this way. Something had to change. That something was me. I began to make healthier choices and now attract the results associated with that approach to life. No one else could do this for me. What are the choices you are making today and how are they serving your highest good?
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