No pain, no gain

March 7, 2023

Have you ever had an experience that brought about great emotional pain? Maybe it was a consequence of a decision that you made that didn't turn out the way you expected it. As you felt the pain that accompanied the situation, you wondered if it would ever pass. It is at times like this that we feel least connected to the Universe/God. What we have to remember is that the Universe hasn't abandoned us. Perhaps we need to fortify our belief that the Universe/God only desires to send what brings us joy and happiness. Spend less time focused on the problem and more time building your spiritual connection and a change is bound to occur. Have you ever noticed how what seemed in the past to be an insurmountable problem with deep emotional pain attached to it is now but a memory? As one program points out, "Don't surrender five minutes before the miracle." What has happened in your past in which keeping your spiritual connection resulted in a positive change in your life?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.