Out of your mind
Our conscious mind serves us well. It helps us to organize information and data that flow through our lives on a daily basis. It assists in planning and problem solving. The subconscious mind is a repository for memories both positive and negative. It influences the way we look at life and the decisions we make. We are often unaware of its power over us. We also have the gift of emotions that colors all of our experiences. Our emotions act as a guidance system to act in a manner that best serves us and others. We have an intuitive sense of something feeling or not feeling right based on emotions that come up for us. When certain emotions are held captive in our subconscious they can present problems. You have probably heard people refer to this as someone's emotional baggage.They carry it with them wherever they go, and it affects their relationships, finances, and health. For us to achieve our potential, it is important to learn how these various parts of us interact. We are more than just our conscious thinking. Be open to ways that you can learn about the power of the subconscious mind and the emotions and begin to practice ways to integrate their contributions to the richness of our lives. What are ways that you can use to tap into your unconscious mind and your emotional guidance system?
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