Plugging into the source
When we feel lost or confused, it is often accompanied by a sense of aloneness or isolation. We believe that we have no one to rely on but ourselves. The irony of this is that this is the time when we are probably the most unreliable. When we find ourselves in this state, the solution is to plug back into the Source. One way to do this is to simply have a conversation with whatever or whoever you believe to be a power greater than yourself. I sometimes ask for a sign that there is a presence beyond myself that is there to guide and sustain me. Then I remain open to awareness of what that sign might be. It might be through a passage in a book, a commercial on television or the radio, or even a bumper sticker. It is always just what I need to move forward. One of my favorite ways to plug into Source is by finding coins that constantly remind me to trust in that greater power. Or I take a walk in a local affluent neighborhood to observe the range of possibility offered by the Source. All I know is that there are a very different set of feelings present based on whether or not I am connected to that Source. I also know which ones I prefer to have in my life that day. How do you know the difference when you are or aren't plugged into your Source?
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