Poor me
There are times when life does not seem to cooperate with what you would desire. It may be a new job, relationship, or home. You feel disappointed, frustrated, or angry. Maybe all of these feelings. Your self-talk turns to "Poor me. I don't think this will ever happen." While this may be a natural response to the event, it does little to help the situation. As you continue to focus on what is lacking in your life, the universe responds with sending you more lack. Think about changing your attitude from "Poor me" to "Rich me." You can do this by focusing on what you do have today and be grateful for its presence in your life. Next, look at what it is that you desire. Ask yourself, "What action can I take today that will move me closer to having this manifest in my life?" If you desire a new job that is a match for who you are and what you do best, then your first step would be to achieve clarity on what that would be for you. Spend time focusing on what that would be for you. Then outline a plan for your next steps. Celebrate the accomplishment of each of those steps. You will find that your attitude has changed from "Poor me" to "Rich me". What will you do today to create your new attitude?
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