Seven billion stories
Every man, woman, and child on this planet is currently writing their life story. Each story carries with it a personal message of love, hope, fear, and achievement. Some stories are longer than others. Some are based on thriving while others are based on surviving. Their stories are often a continuation of the stories of those who preceded them. How can they not be? Our stories contain elements of those who have taught us in the ways of being in the world. They may be our parents, grandparents, teachers, or society as a whole. Who we are as individuals contributes to the uniqueness of our stories. We each have the power to affect the content and direction of our story. This is accomplished through our free will. Given the power that it offers, how are you using it today? How would you feel if, after you completed this lifetime, you had an opportunity to read your autobiography? What would it say about the way you lived out the gift of your being here? Remember that you can alter the content and direction of your story at any moment you choose. What would the story you are writing about yourself say to you and the world?
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