So little time
Our time on this planet has a shelf life attached to it. Unless we choose to take our own lives, we are unaware of the expiration date. That means that each moment is precious. When we are young we believe that we have all the time in the world. As the years pass, that time diminishes. It is less a matter of how long we are here as what we do with that time. Think about what you would like to do, be, or have while you are here. How would your life be different if that was present? How would it benefit others? The value of our lives is measured by the footprint it leaves on the planet. How is the world better as a result of you being here? Did you practice kindness towards others or did you spend your days promoting yourself at the expense of those around you? Are there relationships that need to be mended and others that need to be released? What would it take to do that? Do you want to wait until that person is no longer available for that to happen? Time passes more quickly than we can imagine. Our existence here is but a blink of an eye in the larger picture. What are you doing with the time you have been giver?
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