So much better
Whenever I set an intention I always end with “This or something better.” It demonstrates an understanding that I don’t always know what the Universe has planned for me. I have had to cancel trips for health reasons and later learned that circumstances had significantly altered the event. In a number of instances what happened to replace it was so much better. I had planned a cruise through southeastern Asia last February but had to reschedule it due to an unexpected hospital stay. At the same time, the timeline changed for the dog we were hoping to adopt from Mexico. It would have coincided with the cancelled cruise and would have created undue stress for the dog. It turned out to be a much easier transition for everyone involved. This has taught me not to question what happens, but to remain open to what will appear in its place. This can be applied to potential job offers, an offer on a home that fell through, or a relationship that ended abruptly. Think about how any of these may have occurred in your own life and how the alternative was even better than the original plan. What is an example of something even better showing up for you?
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