Stay calm
There are times when I have to remind myself to stay calm and to remain connected to the Universe. It is usually at times when I am feeling rushed or am unfamiliar with a situation. I am aware of how my ego slips in and wants to take over. Before I know it my mind is racing and working to create a worst case scenario. It is at times like these when I have to stop, take a deep breath, and tap into the all-knowing consciousness of the Universe. Immediately I can begin to see other alternatives and the right and perfect solution is right there in front of me. My frantic moments are fewer and farther between now, but they still show up at times. They remind me that I am still quite human and subject to these situations. The difference today is that I have a different perspective on these happenings. What have you been dealing with that could use a time to step back and assess the situation calmly?
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