The language of love

November 21, 2021

There is a famous poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning that begins, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." There are so many ways that love is expressed. It may be through words both spoken and written. Three of the most powerful words in our language are, "I love you." We spend millions of dollars on greeting cards that tell others what they mean to us. There are physical expressions of our love that include hugs and kisses, flowers, and gifts. Then there is the less obvious language of love as expressed through a meal that awaits us when we come home from work, your partner going to the store in the rain to get a quart of milk, or letting you watch your favorite show on television even when it conflicts with what the other person would enjoy watching. The list goes on and on. When you are feeling unloved, look for ways that love is coming to you in forms other than how you expect it. At the same time be aware of how you express love to those around you. How are you experiencing the language of love today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.