Time flies
Have you noticed that, as you age, time seems to move faster? I once heard a theory about why that is. When you are five, one year constitutes 20% of your life. At forty, it is 2.5% and, at 75 it is 1.3% of the time you have been alive. Proportionately a year comprises a much shorter period of time as you age. We also know that, as you near the end of a normal life expectancy, there is less time to spend on achieving what you want in life. You often hear people say, "Someday I'll get around to doing that." But the end of their life arrives before they get around to what that is. This is when the regrets of life are spoken. These are the "if onlys" and "what ifs." To avoid the regrets, think of what it is that you want to experience in the world and create a plan to have it happen. My goal is to leave this life with as few, if any, regrets as possible. That's why I am constantly reviewing my 101 Wishes list and being open to their manifestation in my life. So far it is working. By the end of 2016 I will be transferring at least five of my wishes to my Wishes Fulfilled list and identifying the same number to replace them. Then I can enjoy life as it flies by. What are you doing today to ensure that you are making the most of the time you have here?
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