Where's the roadmap?
think about the twists and turns that my life has taken over the years and wonder sometimes what the plan was. Looking back I now know that it was about making decisions that brought me to where I am today. I wasn't always proud of those decisions looking back in hindsight, but they were the best I could do at the time. Wouldn't life have been easier if I had had a roadmap that clearly illustrated the route I was to take? Then I realize that, if it had, I would not have learned the lessons needed to be where I am today. Some of those lessons have been extremely painful, and it is the pain that earned my attention and the resolve not to go down that path again. I have to say that I did go down the same path several times before I got it. And so with experience comes wisdom. Some of my best learning comes through the blogs I write. Their purpose is to share where I am in my life's journey with the hope that you may read a message which benefits you. Adopt what works for you and lay the rest aside for now. It's likely not what you need on your journey today, but who knows about tomorrow? My life is a lot like my day planner. My schedule guides my day but does not define it. I always have to deal with last minute changes that create detours that always lead to a better destination. What does your roadmap look like today?
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