You can count on me
You have probably heard people say to one another, "You have my word on it." An oral agreement can be just as strong and binding as a written contract. This is one example of the power of our words. This commitment to our word shows up as follow through on what we promise to do. Think of the people in your life that you can depend on for action. Now think of the effect of someone you know not carrying out what they told you they would do. Think of how your own lack of follow through may have done the same to others. We can rationalize our behavior by saying, "I forgot" or "I was planning to do that but didn't get around to it." When this was a problem area in my own life I had to make a decision as to what I would do to keep my word. The first thing I had to do was refrain from promising to do something that I knew I wouldn't do. It is perfectly acceptable to say no. Then I had to write down what my commitments were to ensure that I wouldn't forget them. These are ways that have been effective for me in being accountable. There are other ways that can be of assistance if this is a problem area for you. What is your level of accountability to others today?
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